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Nationally Scarce
Nationally Rare

Data from records +/- four days today.

1. Large Yellow Underwing
Noctua pronuba
32089 records
2. Setaceous Hebrew Character
Xestia c-nigrum
28562 records
3. Square-spot Rustic
Xestia xanthographa
10198 records
4. Common Wainscot
Mythimna pallens
7999 records
5. Lesser Yellow Underwing
Noctua comes
7831 records
6. Vine's Rustic
Hoplodrina ambigua
6404 records
7. Lunar Underwing
Omphaloscelis lunosa
3892 records
8. Willow Beauty
Peribatodes rhomboidaria
2933 records
9. Flounced Rustic
Luperina testacea
2566 records
10. Brimstone Moth
Opisthograptis luteolata
1841 records
11. Snout
Hypena proboscidalis
1831 records
12. Pale Mottled Willow
Caradrina clavipalpis
1529 records
13. Beaded Chestnut
Agrochola lychnidis
1458 records
14. White-point
Mythimna albipuncta
1304 records
15. Angle Shades
Phlogophora meticulosa
1167 records
16. Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Noctua fimbriata
1079 records
17. Turnip Moth
Agrotis segetum
1074 records
18. Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Noctua janthe
998 records
19. Black Rustic
Aporophyla nigra
931 records
20. Centre-barred Sallow
Atethmia centrago
905 records
21. Shuttle-shaped Dart
Agrotis puta
823 records
22. Garden Carpet
Xanthorhoe fluctuata
817 records
23. Burnished Brass
Diachrysia chrysitis
780 records
24. Silver Y
Autographa gamma
776 records
25. Small Dusty Wave
Idaea seriata
706 records
26. Smoky Wainscot
Mythimna impura
637 records
27. Green Carpet
Colostygia pectinataria
636 records
28. Common Marbled Carpet
Dysstroma truncata
586 records
29. Light Emerald
Campaea margaritaria
540 records
30. Rosy Rustic
Hydraecia micacea
522 records
31. Barred Sallow
Tiliacea aurago
442 records
32. Sallow
Cirrhia icteritia
365 records
33. Copper Underwing
Amphipyra pyramidea
363 records
34. Double-striped Pug
Gymnoscelis rufifasciata
345 records
35. Nutmeg
Anarta trifolii
341 records
36. Brown-spot Pinion
Agrochola litura
324 records
37. Flame Shoulder
Ochropleura plecta
323 records
38. Frosted Orange
Gortyna flavago
304 records
39. Straw Underwing
Thalpophila matura
293 records
40. Cabbage Moth
Mamestra brassicae
271 records
41. Mouse Moth
Amphipyra tragopoginis
248 records
42. Blood-vein
Timandra comae
245 records
43. Straw Dot
Rivula sericealis
244 records
44. Old Lady
Mormo maura
230 records
45. Blair's Shoulder-knot
Lithophane leautieri
224 records
46. Orange Swift
Triodia sylvina
211 records
47. Large Ranunculus
Polymixis flavicincta
200 records
48. Mallow
Larentia clavaria
193 records
49. Copper Underwing agg.
Amphipyra pyramidea agg.
166 records
50. Deep-brown Dart
Aporophyla lueneburgensis
160 records
51. Uncertain
Hoplodrina octogenaria
159 records
52. Small Square-spot
Diarsia rubi
154 records
53. Spectacle
Abrostola tripartita
142 records
54. Bright-line Brown-eye
Lacanobia oleracea
139 records
55. Chinese Character
Cilix glaucata
137 records
56. Marbled Beauty
Bryophila domestica
134 records
57. Large Wainscot
Rhizedra lutosa
132 records
58. Rustic
Hoplodrina blanda
128 records
59. Red Underwing
Catocala nupta
122 records
60. Humming-bird Hawk-moth
Macroglossum stellatarum
121 records
61. Small Blood-vein
Scopula imitaria
120 records
62. Feathered Gothic
Tholera decimalis
117 records
63. Cypress Pug
Eupithecia phoeniceata
112 records
64. Riband Wave
Idaea aversata
109 records
65. Treble-bar
Aplocera plagiata
109 records
66. Yellow Shell
Camptogramma bilineata
109 records
67. Pink-barred Sallow
Xanthia togata
100 records
68. Ruby Tiger
Phragmatobia fuliginosa
100 records
69. Lime-speck Pug
Eupithecia centaureata
95 records
70. Latticed Heath
Chiasmia clathrata
91 records
71. Dingy Footman
Eilema griseola
83 records
72. Orange Sallow
Tiliacea citrago
76 records
73. Common Rustic agg.
Mesapamea secalis agg.
76 records
74. Least Carpet
Idaea rusticata
73 records
75. Common Carpet
Epirrhoe alternata
68 records
76. Red-green Carpet
Chloroclysta siterata
64 records
77. Oak Hook-tip
Watsonalla binaria
63 records
78. Lunar Yellow Underwing
Noctua orbona
62 records
79. Large Thorn
Ennomos autumnaria
61 records
80. Dusky Thorn
Ennomos fuscantaria
59 records
81. Small Wainscot
Denticucullus pygmina
57 records
82. Clancy's Rustic
Caradrina kadenii
51 records
83. Dark Sword-grass
Agrotis ipsilon
49 records
84. Heart and Dart
Agrotis exclamationis
48 records
85. Brindled Green
Dryobotodes eremita
47 records
86. Gold Spot
Plusia festucae
41 records
87. Dewick's Plusia
Macdunnoughia confusa
39 records
88. Single-dotted Wave
Idaea dimidiata
39 records
89. Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet
Xanthorhoe ferrugata
38 records
90. Dusky-lemon Sallow
Cirrhia gilvago
38 records
91. Canary-shouldered Thorn
Ennomos alniaria
38 records
92. Brick
Agrochola circellaris
37 records
93. Convolvulus Hawk-moth
Agrius convolvuli
37 records
94. Green-brindled Crescent
Allophyes oxyacanthae
36 records
95. Pinion-streaked Snout
Schrankia costaestrigalis
36 records
96. Dark Spectacle
Abrostola triplasia
34 records
97. Tawny Speckled Pug
Eupithecia icterata
34 records
98. Beautiful Hook-tip
Laspeyria flexula
32 records
99. Spruce Carpet
Thera britannica
31 records
100. Webb's Wainscot
Globia sparganii
30 records
101. Scalloped Oak
Crocallis elinguaria
30 records
102. Chestnut
Conistra vaccinii
30 records
103. Pale Eggar
Trichiura crataegi
28 records
104. Svensson's Copper Underwing
Amphipyra berbera
28 records
105. Lilac Beauty
Apeira syringaria
28 records
106. Least Yellow Underwing
Noctua interjecta
28 records
107. Vapourer
Orgyia antiqua
26 records
108. Clifden Nonpareil
Catocala fraxini
26 records
109. Bulrush Wainscot
Nonagria typhae
25 records
110. Six-striped Rustic
Xestia sexstrigata
23 records
111. Square-spotted Clay
Xestia stigmatica
23 records
112. Red Twin-spot Carpet
Xanthorhoe spadicearia
23 records
113. Red-line Quaker
Agrochola lota
22 records
114. Common Wave
Cabera exanthemata
22 records
115. Scarce Bordered Straw
Helicoverpa armigera
22 records
116. Yellow-barred Brindle
Acasis viretata
22 records
117. Uncertain/Rustic agg.
Hoplodrina octogenaria/blanda
21 records
118. Pebble Hook-tip
Drepana falcataria
21 records
119. Mottled Rustic
Caradrina morpheus
21 records
120. Shaded Broad-bar
Scotopteryx chenopodiata
20 records
121. Common Rustic
Mesapamea secalis
20 records
122. Grey Pine Carpet
Thera obeliscata
20 records
123. Engrailed
Ectropis crepuscularia
19 records
124. Garden Dart
Euxoa nigricans
19 records
125. Vestal
Rhodometra sacraria
18 records
126. Flame
Axylia putris
17 records
127. Dark Arches
Apamea monoglypha
16 records
128. Dun-bar
Cosmia trapezina
16 records
129. Bordered Beauty
Epione repandaria
16 records
130. Currant Pug
Eupithecia assimilata
16 records
131. Yellow-line Quaker
Agrochola macilenta
16 records
132. L-album Wainscot
Mythimna l-album
15 records
133. Autumnal Rustic
Eugnorisma glareosa
14 records
134. Chevron
Eulithis testata
13 records
135. Herald
Scoliopteryx libatrix
13 records
136. Coronet
Craniophora ligustri
13 records
137. Feathered Thorn
Colotois pennaria
13 records
138. Buff Ermine
Spilosoma lutea
13 records
139. Pearly Underwing
Peridroma saucia
12 records
140. Knot Grass
Acronicta rumicis
11 records
141. Small Emerald
Hemistola chrysoprasaria
11 records
142. Clouded Drab
Orthosia incerta
11 records
143. Buff Footman
Eilema depressa
11 records
144. Lychnis
Hadena bicruris
11 records
145. Double Square-spot
Xestia triangulum
11 records
146. Maiden's Blush
Cyclophora punctaria
11 records
147. Small Ranunculus
Hecatera dysodea
10 records
148. Dark / Grey Dagger
Acronicta tridens/psi
10 records
149. Dot Moth
Melanchra persicariae
10 records
150. Hedge Rustic
Tholera cespitis
10 records
151. Pale-lemon Sallow
Cirrhia ocellaris
10 records
152. Black Arches
Lymantria monacha
9 records
153. Merveille du Jour
Griposia aprilina
9 records
154. Purple Bar
Cosmorhoe ocellata
9 records
155. Clay
Mythimna ferrago
8 records
156. Treble Lines
Charanyca trigrammica
8 records
157. Tree-lichen Beauty
Cryphia algae
8 records
158. Brown-line Bright-eye
Mythimna conigera
7 records
159. Poplar Hawk-moth
Laothoe populi
7 records
160. Purple Clay
Diarsia brunnea
7 records
161. Satellite
Eupsilia transversa
7 records
162. Small Fan-footed Wave
Idaea biselata
7 records
163. Wood Carpet
Epirrhoe rivata
7 records
164. Small Mottled Willow
Spodoptera exigua
7 records
165. Buttoned Snout
Hypena rostralis
7 records
166. Campion
Sideridis rivularis
6 records
167. Toadflax Pug
Eupithecia linariata
6 records
168. Clouded Border
Lomaspilis marginata
6 records
169. Swallow-tailed Moth
Ourapteryx sambucaria
6 records
170. Brown-veined Wainscot
Archanara dissoluta
6 records
171. Wormwood Pug
Eupithecia absinthiata
6 records
172. Delicate
Mythimna vitellina
6 records
173. Bordered Straw
Heliothis peltigera
5 records
174. Treble Brown Spot
Idaea trigeminata
5 records
175. Early Thorn
Selenia dentaria
5 records
176. Crescent
Helotropha leucostigma
5 records
177. Jersey Tiger
Euplagia quadripunctaria
5 records
178. Foxglove Pug
Eupithecia pulchellata
5 records
179. Dark Chestnut
Conistra ligula
4 records
180. Pebble Prominent
Notodonta ziczac
4 records
181. Lesser-spotted Pinion
Cosmia affinis
4 records
182. Cloaked Minor
Mesoligia furuncula
4 records
183. September Thorn
Ennomos erosaria
4 records
184. Pale Tussock
Calliteara pudibunda
4 records
185. Scarce Footman
Eilema complana
4 records
186. Southern Wainscot
Mythimna straminea
4 records
187. Flame Carpet
Xanthorhoe designata
4 records
188. Tawny Pinion
Lithophane semibrunnea
4 records
189. Tawny-barred Angle
Macaria liturata
4 records
190. Mottled Umber
Erannis defoliaria
4 records
191. Pretty Chalk Carpet
Melanthia procellata
4 records
192. Scorched Carpet
Ligdia adustata
4 records
193. August Thorn
Ennomos quercinaria
4 records
194. Swallow Prominent
Pheosia tremula
3 records
195. Heart and Club
Agrotis clavis
3 records
196. Four-spotted Footman
Lithosia quadra
3 records
197. Grey Dagger
Acronicta psi
3 records
198. Twin-spotted Wainscot
Lenisa geminipuncta
3 records
199. Large Twin-spot Carpet
Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata
3 records
200. Common Pug
Eupithecia vulgata
3 records
201. Eyed Hawk-moth
Smerinthus ocellata
3 records
202. Yellow-tail
Euproctis similis
3 records
203. Lesser Treble-bar
Aplocera efformata
3 records
204. Marbled Green
Bryopsis muralis
3 records
205. November Moth agg.
Epirrita dilutata agg.
3 records
206. Middle-barred Minor
Oligia fasciuncula
3 records
207. Barred Hook-tip
Watsonalla cultraria
3 records
208. Triple-spotted Pug
Eupithecia trisignaria
3 records
209. Waved Umber
Menophra abruptaria
3 records
210. Marbled Minor agg.
Oligia strigilis agg.
3 records
211. Pale Prominent
Pterostoma palpina
3 records
212. Bordered Pug
Eupithecia succenturiata
3 records
213. Dusky Sallow
Eremobia ochroleuca
2 records
214. Lesser Cream Wave
Scopula immutata
2 records
215. White Ermine
Spilosoma lubricipeda
2 records
216. Toadflax Brocade
Calophasia lunula
2 records
217. Maple Pug
Eupithecia inturbata
2 records
218. White-spotted Pug
Eupithecia tripunctaria
2 records
219. Peach Blossom
Thyatira batis
2 records
220. Mullein Wave
Scopula marginepunctata
2 records
221. Small Scallop
Idaea emarginata
2 records
222. Phoenix
Eulithis prunata
2 records
223. Purple Thorn
Selenia tetralunaria
2 records
224. Brown-tail
Euproctis chrysorrhoea
2 records
225. Poplar Grey
Subacronicta megacephala
2 records
226. Small Fan-foot
Herminia grisealis
2 records
227. Scorched Wing
Plagodis dolabraria
2 records
228. Pale Pinion
Lithophane socia
2 records
229. Small Rufous
Coenobia rufa
2 records
230. Oak Nycteoline
Nycteola revayana
2 records
231. Pine Carpet
Pennithera firmata
2 records
232. Grey Chi
Antitype chi
2 records
233. Fen Wainscot
Arenostola phragmitidis
2 records
234. Reed Leopard
Phragmataecia castaneae
2 records
235. Drinker
Euthrix potatoria
2 records
236. Oblique Carpet
Orthonama vittata
2 records
237. Great Brocade
Eurois occulta
1 record
238. Small Clouded Brindle
Apamea unanimis
1 record
239. Gothic
Naenia typica
1 record
240. Marbled Clover
Heliothis viriplaca
1 record
241. Buff Arches
Habrosyne pyritoides
1 record
242. Cypress Carpet
Thera cupressata
1 record
243. Magpie Moth
Abraxas grossulariata
1 record
244. Common White Wave
Cabera pusaria
1 record
245. Lesser Swallow Prominent
Pheosia gnoma
1 record
246. White Satin
Leucoma salicis
1 record
247. Juniper Carpet
Thera juniperata
1 record
248. Sandy Carpet
Perizoma flavofasciata
1 record
249. Dotted Rustic
Rhyacia simulans
1 record
250. Dog's Tooth
Lacanobia suasa
1 record
251. Sycamore
Acronicta aceris
1 record
252. Bordered Sallow
Pyrrhia umbra
1 record
253. Common Swift
Korscheltellus lupulina
1 record
254. Tawny Wave
Scopula rubiginata
1 record
255. Winter Moth
Operophtera brumata
1 record
256. Mottled Beauty
Alcis repandata
1 record
257. Privet Hawk-moth
Sphinx ligustri
1 record
258. Iron Prominent
Notodonta dromedarius
1 record
259. White-line Dart
Euxoa tritici
1 record
260. Grey Shoulder-knot
Lithophane ornitopus
1 record
261. Dark Crimson Underwing
Catocala sponsa
1 record
262. Lace Border
Scopula ornata
1 record
263. Sallow Kitten
Furcula furcula
1 record
264. Short-cloaked Moth
Nola cucullatella
1 record
265. Feathered Ranunculus
Polymixis lichenea
1 record
266. Fan-foot
Herminia tarsipennalis
1 record
267. Leopard Moth
Zeuzera pyrina
1 record
268. November Moth
Epirrita dilutata
1 record
269. Yellow Belle
Aspitates ochrearia
1 record
270. Buff-tip
Phalera bucephala
1 record
271. Dotted Clay
Xestia baja
1 record
272. Shears
Hada plebeja
1 record
273. Brown Rustic
Rusina ferruginea
1 record
274. Green Silver-lines
Pseudoips prasinana
1 record
275. Clay Triple-lines
Cyclophora linearia
1 record
276. Gem
Nycterosea obstipata
1 record
277. Barred Red
Hylaea fasciaria
1 record
278. Striped Hawk-moth
Hyles livornica
1 record
279. Orange Footman
Eilema sororcula
1 record
280. Tawny Shears
Hadena perplexa
1 record
281. Silver Barred
Deltote bankiana
1 record
282. Bedstraw Hawk-moth
Hyles gallii
1 record
283. Coxcomb Prominent
Ptilodon capucina
1 record
284. Gypsy Moth
Lymantria dispar
1 record
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